


How to promote a real estate property in Chile in 2023

Oct 12, 2023

How to promote a real estate property in Chile in 2023 - 2024

If you want to sell your house in Chile in 2023, you need to know that the real estate market is very competitive and that buyers are becoming increasingly demanding and selective. Therefore, you need to have a good promotion strategy that helps you stand out your property among the others and attract potential clients.

Promoting a real estate property consists of showcasing its features, benefits, and advantages, through different means and channels of communication, in order to generate interest, contacts, and visits. For this, you can use both offline and online strategies, combining traditional techniques with innovative ones.

In this blog, I will teach you how to promote your real estate property in Chile in 2023, using the best current tools available, both offline and online. I will give you some practical tips and examples so that you can apply them to your particular case. Thus, you will be able to sell your house as soon as possible and at the best price.

Offline strategies are those that are carried out outside of the internet, such as:

  • Placing a for-sale sign on the facade of your house: it is a simple and economical way to attract the attention of people who pass by the street or the neighborhood. The sign must be visible, legible, and appealing, with a clear and concise message indicating the type of property, the price, and the contact. You can also include a photo or a QR code that directs to a webpage with more information.

  • Distributing or posting flyers, brochures, or pamphlets in the area: it is a way to expand the scope of your promotion and reach more people who may be interested in your property. The flyers or brochures must be striking, informative, and persuasive, with the main data of the property, some photos, and the contact. You can distribute them through nearby stores, neighbors' mailboxes, or public transport stops.

  • Advertising in print media: it is a way to reach a wider and more diverse audience, who can consult print media such as newspapers, magazines, or specialized catalogs. The ads must be brief, clear, and outstanding, with the essential data of the property, a photo, and the contact. You can choose the media that fit your budget and your target audience.

  • Hiring a professional real estate agent: it is a way to delegate the promotion of your property to an expert who knows the market, has contacts, and knows how to negotiate. The real estate agent will be responsible for advising you, valuing your property, making a marketing plan, publishing ads, filtering interested parties, showing the property, managing offers, and closing the sale. In return, they will charge a commission on the final price.

These are some of the offline strategies that you can use to promote your real estate property in Chile in 2023. However, you should not limit yourself to them only, but you should complement them with online strategies, which are the ones that have the greatest impact and reach today.

Online strategies are those that are carried out through the internet, such as:

  • Creating a webpage for your property: it is a way to have your own space where you can show all the detailed and updated information of your property, with photos, videos, plans, descriptions, and testimonials. The webpage must be attractive, functional, and optimized for search engines (SEO), with keywords related to your property and location. It must also have a contact form or a call-to-action button (CTA) to generate leads.

  • Advertising in real estate portals: it is a way to take advantage of the visibility and traffic of real estate portals, which are the websites where most buyers search for properties. The ads must be complete, truthful, and differentiated, with the relevant data of the property, quality photos, and the contact. You can choose the portals that fit your type of property and your geographic area.

  • Using social media to spread the word about your property: it is a way to create a community of followers who may be interested in your property or who may share it with their contacts. The most used social media to promote properties are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. In them, you can publish varied content, such as photos, videos, stories, polls, giveaways, or testimonials. You can also use tools such as Facebook Ads or Instagram Ads to create segmented advertising campaigns aimed at your target audience.

  • Applying virtual home staging techniques: it is a way to improve the presentation of your property by using digital technologies that allow you to modify or add virtual elements to real images. Virtual home staging can involve removing personal objects, changing colors, illuminating spaces, furnishing empty rooms, or creating themed environments. The goal is to make your property look more attractive, cozy, and spacious.

These are some of the online strategies that you can use to promote your real estate property in Chile in 2023. However, you should not forget about offline strategies, but integrate and coordinate them to achieve greater effectiveness and synergy.


Promoting a real estate property in Chile in 2023 requires good planning, creativity, and adaptation to new market trends and tools. For this, you can use both offline and online strategies, combining traditional techniques with innovative ones.

In this blog, I have given you some ideas so that you can promote your real estate property in Chile in 2023, using the best current tools available. I have given you some practical tips and examples so that you can apply them to your particular case.

I hope that this blog has been useful to you and that you can sell your house as soon as possible and at the best price. If you have any questions or comments, you can write them down below or contact me through WhatsApp. Thank you for reading and see you next time.


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