


How can I highlight my property or house and sell it?

Oct 16, 2023

How can I make my property for sale stand out from the rest?

Selling a property requires a good marketing strategy that allows you to attract the attention of potential buyers and differentiate yourself from the competition. However, many sellers make mistakes that can affect the success of the sale, such as overvaluing the property, neglecting the presentation, limiting the diffusion, or ignoring the market.

In this blog, I'm going to give you some tips to avoid these mistakes and make your property for sale stand out from the rest, based on the following principles:

  • Price is the most important factor: The price is the factor that most influences the decision to buy a property. If you ask for a price that is too high, you can scare off buyers or extend the time to sell. If you ask for a price that is too low, you can lose money or generate distrust. Therefore, you should set a fair and reasonable price that fits the real value of your property and the real estate market in your area. You can use tools such as the fiscal appraisal, reassessment, appraisal, or comparison with similar properties.

  • Presentation is the most visible factor: The presentation is the factor that most impacts the first impression of buyers. If you neglect the presentation, you can convey a negative or unattractive image of your property. If you take care of the presentation, you can highlight the virtues and benefits of your property. Therefore, you should improve the presentation of your property, both internally and externally, by doing a deep cleaning, basic repairs, neutral decoration, and adequate lighting. You can use techniques such as home staging.

  • Advertising is the most effective factor: Advertising is the factor that most helps to disseminate and promote your property. If you limit advertising, you can reduce the reach and visibility of your offer. If you expand advertising, you can increase the possibilities and opportunities for sale. Therefore, you should invest in quality and quantity advertising, using different media and communication channels, such as real estate portals, social networks, print media, signs, brochures, or real estate agents. You can use tools such as [photos], [videos], [floor plans], or [descriptions].

  • The market is the most determining factor: The market is the factor that most conditions the final result of the sale. If you ignore the market, you can lose opportunities or competitive advantages. If you know the market, you can adapt to the trends and demands of buyers. Therefore, you should study the real estate market in your area, analyzing aspects such as location, accessibility, nearby services, security, appreciation, competition, or housing subsidy. You can use sources such as [official statistics], [news], [digital maps], or [social networks].

By following these tips, you can make your property for sale stand out from the rest, avoiding the common problems of overvalued properties. Emphasizing that the price is the most important factor, as each property is sold at a correct price, even in the worst neighborhood. It should emphasize the quality and quantity of advertising. Making an analogy that the more you invest in advertising, the higher you can sell. Emphasis on the average selling time and errors.

I hope this blog has been helpful to you and that you can sell your property in the best possible way. If you have any doubts or comments, you can write to me below or contact me.


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